On February 11th 2005, PSVAC visited Public School 10 located on Prospect Ave and 7th Ave for little show and tell. It wasn’t an easy event since trying to explain stethoscope or blood pressure to the pre k students is like trying to explain light bulb changing to Matt “Polak” Jachyra. But like always when community service and children are involved we had a lot of fun and laughs. We did find out few interesting things thou… One kid told me that his father is stronger than Incredible Hulk. Another girl told me that her mom calls ambulance whenever she has a cough (thank you lil girl for betraying your parents)… Also according to some kids who tried to listen to Emilio’s heart, his pumper is broken since they couldn’t hear it beat. Thank you all who participated (Moe Karp and Daniel Sakur) and special thanks to Emilio Del Busto for organizing this event.
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